Purveyors of the Magic of Imagination
Czarodziej, Volshebnik, Mag & Llyfrawr
Nursery Rhymes Old and New
Bah, Bah, Black Sheep

Spin up, Floppy Disk

Bah, Bah, Black Sheep

Bah, bah, Black Sheep. Have you any wool?

Yes, sir, Yes, sir. Three bags full.

One for the Master, and one for the Dame,

And one for the little boy, who lives down the lane.

Spin Up, Floppy Disk!

Spin up, floppy disk! Have you any apps?

Yes, sir! Yes, sir! The names are all in CAPS.

One for the Master, And one for the Dame,

And one for the little boy, Who wants to play a game.

Doctor Foster Classic

Doctor Foster New

Doctor Foster

Doctor Foster went to Gloster,

In a shower of rain.

He stepped in a puddle, Up to his middle,

And never went there again.

Doctor Foster

Doctor Foster went to Gloster,

Over the Internet.

The connection was slow,

As watching grass grow.

The next time he took a jet.

Tom, Tom, the Piper's son

Tom, Tom, the hacker's son

Tom, Tom, the Piper’s Son

Tom, Tom, the piper’s son,

Stole a pig and away he run;

The pig was eat, and Tom was beat,

And Tom ran crying down the street.

Tom, Tom, the Hacker’s Son

Tom, Tom, the hacker’s son,

Stole some code he wished to run.

The code was neat, but Tom was beat,

And he went howling down the street.

To buy a copy of Nursery Rhymes Old and New, visit the bookstore.

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